Shortcut Copy For Mac

Anyone who has had to type up huge chunks of text will agree that the copy and paste functions are probably two of the best things ever invented. And it’s not only good for editing lengthy lines of text, it’s also quite handy for people who have trouble remembering complex combinations like PIN codes, serial numbers and the like. It’s such a frequently used function that one of the first things new Mac users ask our Mac Experts is how to use this function.

How to Cut, Copy, and Paste on Mac? Cut, Copy, and Paste operations are pretty simple on a. The saying used to be, “There’s an app for that.” Now the new saying is, “There’s a shortcut for that.” Copy and paste actions with this. Oct 02, 2020 Create Desktop Shortcuts on Mac Using Drag and Drop. The above method is swift and simple. It is the one I prefer. However, there is an additional way to create folder and app shortcuts on Mac. Be at the location of the folder or app you want to create the shortcut of. Press and hold Option (⌥) + Command (⌘) key together.

I’m sure most Mac users know Command-C means copy and Command-V means paste, but there’s a host of other useful shortcuts that make a Mac user’s life much easier. I’ve assembled this short. A lot of Mac users love their keyboard shortcuts and swear that they make their lives much easier. For those of you still trying to figure out your new Mac laptop, figuring out keyboard shortcuts.

How to Copy and Paste on a Mac Using a Keyboard Shortcut

If you’ve been a long-time Windows user and have just recently started using a Mac, pressing CTRL + C and CTRL + V for copy and paste respectively is already thoroughly ingrained — so much so that you probably tried using the same key combinations on your Mac until you realized the CTRL key has been replaced with a key labeled “control.”

Don’t panic. While the Control key doesn’t have the same function on Macs as it does on Windows, there’s an equally quick way to perform copy and paste on a Mac and that is by pressing Command + C (⌘ + C) and Command + V (⌘ + V).

If you don’t want to be bothered with constantly pausing and reminding your fingers to use Command instead of the Control key, or if you want to use a Windows-based keyboard that doesn’t have a Command key to begin with, you can remap your Mac keys so that you can assign a different key for performing copy and paste on your Mac.

To remap your Mac keys:

  1. Go to the Apple Menu
  2. Open “System Preferences”
  3. Click on “Keyboard”
  4. Select “Shortcuts”
  5. Click on “Modifier Keys”
  6. Go to the “Command” field
  7. Click on the drop-down menu
  8. Select “Control”
  9. Click “OK”

Please note that while remapping your Mac keys this way will apply the changes to the whole system, there are certain applications where it may not work. To ensure that your preferred keyboard shortcut for copy and paste on your Mac will also work on your frequently used applications:

  1. Go to the Apple Menu
  2. Open “System Preferences”
  3. Click on “Keyboard”
  4. Select “Shortcuts”
  5. Select “App Shortcuts”
  6. Click the “Add” button (the one with the + sign)
  7. Select the app or apps for which you want your preferred keyboard shortcuts to be used.
    • If you can’t find your favorite application on the list, click “Other” then use the “Open” dialog box to search for it.
    • If you want your preferred shortcut for copy and paste to apply to all applications, just click on “All Applications.”
  8. In the “Menu Title,” type in the command for which you want your shortcut to work (for example, type “Copy” if you want to assign a keyboard shortcut for copying and “Paste” if you want a keyboard shortcut for pasting things). Please make sure that you write the menu title exactly the same way the command is written on your favorite application’s menu (including capitalization and spaces).
  9. Next, go to the “Keyboard Shortcut” field, then press the key combination that you want to use for the keyboard shortcut while you’re in the empty box beside it.
  10. Click on “Add”

How to Copy and Paste on a Mac Using a Apple Magic Mouse

Many Windows users, employing a two-button mouse, know to right click in order to copy and paste. However, mice that come with Macs have only one button. The easiest way to copy and paste using a Magic Mouse is as follows:

  1. Highlight the text that you want to copy
  2. Hold down the Control button
  3. Click the mouse button
  4. Select “Copy” from contextual menu
  5. Go to the place where you want to paste the text
  6. Hold down the Control button
  7. Click the mouse button
  8. Select “Paste” from contextual menu

How to Copy and Paste on a Mac Using Your Trackpad

Aside from using a keyboard shortcut and your mouse, you can also use your trackpad to perform copy and paste on your Mac.

On Windows-based PCs, you usually do this by highlighting the text that you want to copy, pressing on the lower right corner of your trackpad which is equivalent to performing a right-click with your mouse, then selecting “Paste” from the menu.

On Macs, the process is similar: highlight the text that you want to copy, use two fingers to lightly tap around the center of your trackpad to bring up the contextual menu (the popup menu that appears when you initiate a “Control + mouse click), then selecting “Paste” from there.

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Now, go and try to practice them so that you can get used to performing copy and paste on your Mac before you work on projects that require a lot of copying and pasting.

Good luck!

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Keep checking back at the PowerMax blog for all kinds of news, tips, tricks, how tos and more!


For information about keyboard accessibility, see How to: Use Keyboard Navigation.

You can access a variety of commands in Visual Studio for Mac by using the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This document lists the default shortcuts for the Visual Studio for Mac key binding scheme. For more information about how to change the key binding scheme, see Customizing the IDE. You can also customize shortcuts for a command using the Visual Studio for Mac > Preferences menu item and choosing Environment > Key Bindings in the Preferences window.

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The keyboard shortcuts displayed in this document, and the key binding preferences in Visual Studio for Mac, are presented using the symbols commonly used in macOS. If you are unsure of a symbol, review the macOS key symbols loopkup table.

Downloadable quick ref pdfs

We have compiled the most used, and most useful, keyboard shortcuts into a downloadable pdf file. We have two versions,one that shows shortcuts for Visual Studio for Mac, and a version that shows Visual Studio shorts side-by-side for usersthat have prior experience with Visual Studio when using Windows.

Code Navigation

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Find References⇧⌘R, F12
Go to Declaration⌘D, F12
Next Error⌥⇧⇟, ⇧⌘F12
Next Issue in File⌥⇟
Previous Error⌥⇧⇞
Previous Issue in File⌥⇞

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Enable or Disable Breakpoint⌥⌘/, ⌘F9
Pause⌥⌘P, ⌥⌘L5
Remove All Breakpoints⇧⌘F9
Run To Cursor⌘F10
Set Next Statement⇧⌘F10
Show Next Statement⌥*
Step Into⇧⌘I, ⌘F11
Step Out⇧⌘U, ⇧⌘F11
Step Over⇧⌘O, F10
Toggle Breakpoint, F9
View Breakpoints⌥⌘B


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Switch between related files⌃⌘↑


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Constraint Editing Mode⌘E
Format Document⌃I
Indent Selection⌘]
Rename⌘R, F2
Select All⌘A
Show Code Generation⌘I
Toggle All Folds⌥⇧⌘↑
Toggle Definitions⌥⇧⌘↓
Toggle Fold⌥⇧⌘←
Toggle Line Comment(s)⌘/
Unindent Selection⌘[
Update Frame from Constraints⇧⌘R
Shortcut Copy For Mac

F# Integration

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Clear F# Interactive⌃⌥C
F# Interactive⌃⌥F
Restart F# Interactive⌃⌥R
Send line to F# Interactive⌃⌥L
Send references to F# Interactive⌃⌥P
Send selection to F# Interactive⌃⏎


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Close All⇧⌘W
Close File⌘W
Close Workspace⌥⌘W
New File⌘N
New Solution⇧⌘N
Save All⇧⌘S


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
API Documentation⌥⌘?
Unity API Reference⌘'


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Implement Unity Messages⇧⌘M


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Add Files⌥⌘A
Build⌘K, ⇧F6
Build All⌘B, F6
Rebuild All⌃⌘B
Start Debugging⌘⏎, F5
Start Without Debugging⌥⌘⏎, ⌃F5
Stop⇧⌘⏎, ⇧F5


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Import Symbol⌃⌥␣
Quick Fix⌥⏎


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Find in Files⇧⌘F
Find Next⌘G, F3
Find Next Like Selection⌘E, ⌘F3
Find Previous⇧⌘G, ⇧F3
Find Previous Like Selection⇧⌘F3
Go to File⇧⌘D
Go to Line⌘L
Go to Type⇧⌘T
Navigate To⌘.
Replace in Files⌥⇧⌘F

Text Editor

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Complete Word⌃␣
Delete left character⌃H
Delete next subword⌃⌦
Delete next word⌥⌦
Delete previous subword⌃⌫
Delete previous word⌥⌫
Delete right character⌃D
Delete to end of line⌃K
Dynamic abbrev⌃/
Expand selection⌥⇧↓
Expand selection⌥⇧↑
Expand selection to document end⇧⌘↓, ⇧⌘↘
Expand selection to document start⇧⌘↑, ⇧⌘↖
Expand selection to line end⇧↘, ⇧⌘→
Expand selection to line start⇧↖, ⇧⌘←
Expand selection to next line⇧↓
Expand selection to next word⌥⇧→
Expand selection to page down⇧⇟
Expand selection to page up⇧⇞
Expand selection to previous line⇧↑
Expand selection to previous word⌥⇧←
Expand selection to the left⇧←
Expand selection to the right⇧→
Find caret⌘|
Go left one character⌃B
Go right one character⌃F
Go to beginning of document⌘↑
Go to beginning of line⌘←, ⌃A
Go to end of document⌘↓
Go to end of line⌘→, ⌃E
Go to Matching Brace⇧⌘
Go to next line⌃N
Go to next word⌥→
Go to previous line⌃P
Go to previous word⌥←
Insert line break after the caret⌃O
Move caret to EOL and insert new line⇧⏎
Move the line or highlighted selection down⌥↓
Move the line or highlighted selection up⌥↑
Move to next usage⌃⌥⌘↓
Move to prev usage⌃⌥⌘↑
Show Parameter List⌃⇧␣
Show quick info⌘F1
Show Scopes⌥⇧⌘P
Transpose characters⌃T
Wrap with <div>⌥⇧W


Mac Shortcut For Copy

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Center and Focus Document⌃L
Focus DocumentF7
Full Screen⌃⌘F
Move to Next Notebook⌥⌘→
Move to Previous Notebook⌥⌘←
Navigate Back⌃⌘←
Navigate Forward⌃⌘→
Normal Size⌘0
One Editor Column⌥⌘1
Show Next⌥⌘↓, F8
Show Previous⌥⌘↑, ⇧F8
Two Editor Columns⌥⌘2
Zoom In⌘+, ⌘=
Zoom Out⌘-, ⌘_


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Activate 1⌘1
Activate 2⌘2
Activate 3⌘3
Activate 4⌘4
Activate 5⌘5
Activate 6⌘6
Activate 7⌘7
Activate 8⌘8
Activate 9⌘9
Hide Others⌥⌘H
Hide Visual Studio⌘H
Next Document⌘}, ⌘F6
Previous Document⌘{, ⇧⌘F6
Switch to next document⌃⇥
Switch to next pad⌃⌥⇥
Switch to previous document⌃⇧⇥
Switch to previous pad⌃⌥⇧⇥

Shortcut Copy For Mac Os

macOS key symbols lookup

Command (cmd)
Option (alt)
Control (ctrl)
Page Up (Pg Up)
Page Down (Pg Dn)
Delete (Backspace)
Forward Delete
←→↑↓Arrow Keys
Space Bar

See also