Nikto For Mac

The most basic Nikto scan requires simply a host to target, since port 80 is assumed if none is specified. The host can either be an IP or a hostname of a machine, and is specified using the -h (-host) option. This will scan the IP on TCP port 80:

Nikto support scanning multiple hosts in the same session via a text file of host names or IPs. Instead of giving a host name or IP for the -h (-host) option, a file name can be given. A file of hosts must be formatted as one host per line, with the port number(s) at the end of each line. Ports can be separated from the host and other ports via. Maltego is easy and quick to install - it uses Java, so it runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Hardware requirements Maltego is supported on Java 8 64 bit but Java 11 64 bit is recommended.

To check on a different port, specify the port number with the -p (-port) option. This will scan the IP on TCP port 443:

Hosts, ports and protocols may also be specified by using a full URL syntax, and it will be scanned: Original xbox emulator for mac.

MacNikto1.2-Nikto2.1.4.dmg and MacNikto1.1.1.dmg are the most frequent filenames for this app's installer. The most popular versions of the program are 1.2 and 1.1. This program's bundle is identified as com.informationgift.macnikto. This free Mac application is an intellectual property of Lewis Francis. The latest setup file that can be. Nikto is an Open Source web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6700 potentially dangerous files/programs, checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers.It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options,. Nikto free download - MacNikto, Yang, and many more programs. Nikto free download - MacNikto, Yang, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout.

There is no need to specify that port 443 may be SSL, as Nikto will first test regular HTTP and if that fails, HTTPS. If you are sure it is an SSL server, specifying -s (-ssl) will speed up the test.


The -mutate and -mutate-options parameters have been deprecated in nikto 2.1.2. Plugin selections, using the -Plugin parameter, should be used instead. Nikto will automagically turn a mutate option into the appropriate selection string.

More complex tests can be performed using the -mutate parameter, as detailed later. This can produce extra tests, some of which may be provided with extra parameters through the -mutate-options parameter. For example, using -mutate 3, with or without a file attempts to brute force usernames if the web server allows ~user URIs:

In the past we learned how to use Nmap, Nessus and OpenVAS to look for vulnerabilities. This time we’ll explore Nikto, a vulnerabilities scanner written in Perl, to check for Web Application vulnerabilities and footprinting (getting useful information about the target).

Installing Nikto:

Nikto For Mac

In this case I’m using a Debian system, you can download Nikto for Debian at . In case your system returns dependency errors when executing “dpkg -i <packagename>” (as explained at execute the command “apt –fix-broken install” and you’ll get it installed.

Getting started with Nikto:

Like with any Linux package you can always throw a “man nikto” to learn all parameters. The first parameter we’ll use, and which is mandatory, is -host (or -h)to specify the target. In this case I decided to use as target a very old unmaintained website which may throw interesting results:

As with any scanner we receive basic information useful in a footprinting process but additionally we can see within the first results Nikto already discovered a possible vulnerability exposing the website to Clickjacking attacks.

After seeing Nikto’s recommendation to add the “-C all” parameter, I stopped the scanning, you can restart including -C all.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a way through which Web Servers interact with software or programs installed on the server.

In this case we weren’t lucky but as shown above, Nikto successfully found a possible vulnerability despite the website has not CGI content, take in consideration vulnerabilities may be false positive therefore not exploitable.

Let’s check a different target, , an Internet provider website:

The website has no redirection to www so I launched the scan again.

You can see they are using an old Apache version under CentOS and several possible vulnerabilities like OSVDB-877, OSVDB-3092, OSVDB-3268, OSVDB-3233, in the past we could search in the database but it is offline now, therefore we’ll need to base the vulnerability on the information Nikto provides or to google it, in this case we would google Cross Site Tracing attacks.

Let’s combine Nikto with Nmap, so we can see what ports a Webserver has open before using Nikto, ill throw a basic Nmap scan against the same target to check if it has additional ports open.

The interesting here may be the port 5060 used for VOIP, the port seems associated with known vulnerabilities according to this source, through Nikto it is unlikely to give important results but let’s try it.


-p = specifies the port.

-h = specifies the host

-useproxy = to scan using a proxy and avoid the target to see our IP.

In contrast with the scan we launched before now Nikto found a XML file linking us to a blog article explaining the vulnerability the file may represent. It is recommendable to run Nmap against a target before using Nikto to target open ports.

It is important to highlight Nikto results will differ according to the parameters and data we use, even against the same target, for example, if you use the target’s domain name or the target’s IP or change the port. Let’s see if we can find a third different result on the same target:

The result is very similar in this case, despite more errors were reported (21 vs 18 the first scan), possibly due redirection issues.

Multiple port scanning with Nikto:

If we run Nmap to discover a site has multiple ports open we can scan all them in a single Nikto session by separating ports with coma as shown below:

I run:

As you see after getting all open ports by Nmap I threw a Nikto scan, it automatically discards ports which are not running web applications. By adding all ports Nikto discovered multiple vulnerabilities including very sensitive directories holding possible credentials, SQL Injection and XSS vulnerabilities, brute force possibilities among a lot more of opportunities to exploit the server.

To reproduce Nikto results with complete results just run:

Using Nikto plugins:

Nikto -list-plugins” will display a list of additional plugins which may help to scan a target or confirm a vulnerability reported by Nikto.

Let’s verify if the results above showing XSS vulnerabilities are not a false positive.

nikto -h -Plugins'apache_expect_xss(verbose,debug)'

Nikto For Mac Installer

As we see in this case Nikto informs “‘message’ => ‘Expectation Failed” discarding the XSS vulnerability, if it was your server you could use different plugins to discard or confirm the rest of vulnerabilities.

Nikto For Mac Shortcut


Nikto For Mac Download

Nikto is a very light vulnerabilities scanner for web servers, it is useful if you have no time to deal with heavy scanners like Nexpose or Nessus, despite this, if you have time to analyze your target I would recommend a more complete scanner like Nexpose, Nessus, OpenVAS or Nmap, some of which we already analyzed at LinuxHint simply because they are not limited to web servers and all aspects deserve to be deeply checked in order to protect a server.